Vasht Music

While there are different beliefs about the origins of music in the history of mankind, it is obvious that by rhythmic movement, mankind slowly started using natural elements, such as bones and animal skins, to stimulate these movements in their rituals.  

Instruments excavated from a western region of Iranian plateau belonging to the Elamite civilization around 1000 B.C. are some of the older pieces of evidence for Iranian music. From 1000 B.C. until the invasion of Alexander the Great (approximately 331 B.C.), there is no further evidence related to any aspect of music in the world.  The only additional piece of evidence related to music is an acknowledgement by Alexander the Great that there was music in Persia during Achaemenid upon his invasion. It was not until late in the 6th and early in the 7th century A.D., during the Sassanid era, that further evidence of music exists related to a number of known musicians.